OsteoCare is now available in Greece. Unimedica, OsteoCare’s Greek distributor, hosted their second successful implantology course this year! Earlier in the year there was a good turnout to the introductory course. The course received good feedback and inspired Unimedica to run another course. The day was held in the country’s capital Athens and hosted by Dr Leonidas Podaropoulos and Unimedica. Carly Harwood, General Manager and Sahad Ahmed, Marketing Associate from OsteoCare also attended. Carly presented a short presentation informing the delegates about OsteoCare and then remained on hand to answer any questions the delegates may have. The OsteoCare team’s visit to Greece was very exciting as we got to meet our Greek Distributor and course delegates.
Delegates were taught about the theory and science behind dental implant placement and looked at different clinical scenarios. There was also a fantastic hands-on opportunity to place implants into pig jaws. This gave the delegates a great first step into implantology. Dr Podaropoulos, who is very well known in Greece because of his dentistry knowledge, encapsulated a wide range of topics over the two day course. The clinical cases and other topics helped delegates understand the different techniques used to place dental implants.
To find out more about Unimedica visit https://www.kat-oikon.gr/
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To keep up to date with the latest courses visit www.osteocare.uk.com/training-education